10 Popular Summer Camp Activities at Camp Bauercrest that are Not a Sport
Everyone knows Bauercrest is all about sports, but at the end of the day some of the most popular and favorite camp activities for our kids happen off the courts and fields!
Check out our top ten list of most popular summer camp activities that are not sports! The hillside has so much to offer.
Playing Whist
- At Bauercrest the most popular card game by far is an ancient camp tradition! Whist is a game that requires four players, some secret codes, and patience! It’s been played on the hillside for many years! You can pretty much always find four campers hanging on the Big House Porch playing whist at any time of day! For more on Learn about Whist.
Hodgies Ice Cream
- A local favorite ice cream spot has become a favorite camp activity! Sometimes we take a trip down to the road to the local shop and sometimes we bring it to the hillside! A great activity no matter when we do it! Hodgies is the best ice cream in Amesbury, MA!
Big Brother Little Brother
- On a Friday night there is nothing better than doing an activity with your camp Big or Little Brother! At Bauercrest someone half your age can be your best friend and Big Brother Little Brother is the perfect summer camp activity to make that happen!
Talent Show
- Bauercrest campers and staff have many talents and our favorite way to show them off is at our annual Talent Show! There is no limit to the talents that can be performed! We even have some traditional skits to perform for our newest campers! The entire camp loves to cheer each other on at this awesome activity!
- Lake Attitash is the perfect setting for all things Waterfront! The most popular activity for all of our campers is definitely the waterfront! From boating, to water skiing, to fishing and more our waterfront is the perfect summertime activity.
The Jewish Arts Festival
- Participating in the Jewish Arts Festival or JAF is an awesome experience for our campers and staff! Jewish camps from all over New England come together and perform expressions of Jewish life! The Bauercrest boys love to participate by bringing their own version of Jewish activity!
- On the fourth of July Bauercrest comes together and celebrates our traditions with an all-camp campfire! Special skits are performed while campers and staff gather around the fire. Everyone looks forward to throwing their own chip into the fire and making memories for summers to come!
Photo & Video
- Some elective activities at Bauercrest involve sports but many don’t! The Photo & Video elective is one of our most popular! The talented members of the elective group produce the epic Color War videos! Maybe it is because the Computer Room has AC but who cares! The fun times had in Photo & Video give campers a chance to try something new and make something the entire camp will cherish for years to come!
Friday Night Songs
- After a huge Friday night meal complete with challah and grape juice the Bauercrest boys join together in songs that really shake things up! Everyone stands up, gathers around, and cheers as loud as they can! Each week the songs are the same but they get louder and louder as the weeks go by!
Signing Year Books
- Camp yearbooks are given out on the last night of camp during our camp banquet! After all the awards, cheers, and speeches there is nothing better than gathering on the main road writing notes to friends and making last minute memories! The last night of camp is super special and is an activity of its own! Signing the special yearbooks gives campers and staff something to take home for the 10 months spent away from the hillside!
Greetings from "The Crest"
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