Official Camp Mom Business
Hello, Bauercrest families!
I know that many of you are holding onto these last precious days of summer with everything you’ve got, while our boys in Florida, California, Texas and Argentina have already been back to school for weeks. I used to love that Staples commercial with the dad dancing like a lunatic and riding his shopping cart up and down the aisles to ‘It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” I don’t feel that way this year; I’m not quite ready for them to go back. I messaged my kids’ hockey coaches and told them their emails were making me nauseous… and yet, they keep sending them. I have a sinking suspicion that summer is going to come to an end whether we want it to or not.
I LOVED this summer. I might not be chanting about it or re-enacting Color War or begging for a Chill Zone every time we pass a Cumby’s, but I can’t stop watching the videos and…
No joke. I literally just stopped to watch a video. I am not sure this is normal. Then again, I’m not sure it was normal for me to wait until my 40’s to go to overnight camp. An all-boys’ overnight camp. Normal is overrated. Which probably explains why I can’t wait to do it all over again next summer.
The Board of Directors has asked me to make my role permanent, year-round. Ummmmm… YES?!?!?!? I couldn’t be more thrilled. They’ve also asked me to try to come up with a title that sounds a bit more official than “Camp Mom.” I think Camp Relations Director has a nice ring to it. In the off-season, I’ll be doing events and marketing, which was my career in my last life. I’ll be planning outings and reunions for our current campers and their families, as well as get-togethers for prospective camper families. Moms’ Nights In. Moms’ Nights Out. Maybe even a little something for the dads. But in season, I get to go back to the best gig ever, and for those 7 weeks, I’m just going to call it what it is: CAMP MOM.
I know there’s a lot going on administratively at camp. I promise you that we are already poised for an incredible 2017, and that your boys will reap the benefits of an off-season filled with more high-level strategic planning than ever before. In short, we are calling in the big dogs. Please, please, please reach out to me with any questions and concerns, either at or on my cell at 781-205-9625. I’m here. Permanently. Year-round. Put me to work. I’d love to hear from you.
We are planning our first reunion during the Patriots home opener on Sunday, September 18th at our home in Westwood. The game will be on in our family room behind closed doors for die-hards who can’t be distracted. It will be on in the basement for the kids. And it will be on in the kitchen for those of us who might like to glance at the screen every once in a while but might also be interested in having conversations unrelated to the NFL. There will be something for everyone. Look for your evite next week.
In the meantime, tell your boys the Pollacks say hello, and that we miss them like crazy.
Greetings from "The Crest"
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